October 21, 2024


#SundayConfession 5-8-16







I’ve officially given up the act of taking a nap. I’m up at 4am daily and I run around all day until about 11pm/midnight without any naps in between. I don’t care what anyone says, naps are wonderful. Now I may doze off for a second or two depending where I am, but I don’t consider that a nap. A nap for me is more like 3-5 hours lol.

This new dance crave called the running man challenge has gone too far. How dare any adult participate in this knowing you grew up on the great MC Hammer! Enough of the foolishness adults. Teach these youngins their history.


This is Day 21 of my fast. Thursday I mentioned I hadn’t had any cravings. Well, I had a “thought”, not a craving for a Jimmy Johns turkey club sandwich. I do miss their bread but other than that, no real hiccups. As much as I stress to my clients about drinking their water, I went one day only drinking one bottle. To be honest I just wasn’t feeling it that day. I’ve made up for it since then.

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