March 14, 2025






I made a post earlier Monday (RUNNING JOURNAL- NEW RECORD) letting you know what my goal for the week was.  It was to run 6 miles for 3 days.  This is my day 2.  I woke up about 6am this morning.  I took yesterday off because that run Monday had my legs stiff.   I had to finish the post you seen first thing this morning about the go pro hero.  By the time I got finished with that it was time to leave.  I had enough time to drink one bottled water & 16oz of MY FAVORITE JUICE .  When I got to the gym I went right for the cable accessory machine to hook the attachment to my ankle.  40lb hip adductor


4 sets of 25 on each leg.  When I was done with those I moved to high cable wood choppers (I will do a video tutorial on all of these workouts very soon) 4 sets of 25 on each side.  Remember I have to keep my core tight when running.

I started with 40 lbs for my first set then moved to 70 for sets 2-4.

After that I moved for lower back raises.  No weights. Just body weight.  2 sets of 20

Before I hit the run I get on the stationary bike for 10 mins.



After the 10 minute bike ride, I did 5 walking lunges on each leg.  I wanted to be loose and warm for this run.

I’m running on the treadmill today. It’s very windy out today.  There was a terrible thunderstorm last night so the weather is a lil chilly.  To be honest, I just didn’t feel like running outside.  Who am I kidding lol?  Running outside is tougher than treadmill running.  I’m speaking from personal experience.

I find my favorite treadmill to run on.  FYI, not all treadmill are the same in the gym.  Some belts are thicker, some are thinner.  Some of the electronics work, some of them don’t.  If you are beginning to run on the treadmill, it is important to find one that fits you.  Moving on, I’m trying something new today.  I want to catch up on watching House of Cards on my Netflix app on my phone.  The problem is the gym does not have a phone holder or a magazine holder where I could set my phone and watch it.  It has a ledge on the treadmill, but its low.  I would have to look down the whole time while running.  This is going to be new for me so I have to keep in mind I can’t run being slouched over just to watch a program.  The good thing is about this show it is about 45- 50 minutes.  I gauge I should be done around 55-57 minutes.

I rig my phone on the ledge of the treadmill with House of Cards playing, and I set the treadmill to 6.0.  My during the first mile, my knees felt…, I wouldn’t say sore, but, they had a feeling in them.  I think it was just the morning kinks trying to get out.  Surprisingly I’m keeping a good posture while watching the show on my phone and running.  After five minutes of running I increase the speed to 6.5.  I run at this pace thru mile number 2 and 3.  Mile number 2 I begin to sweat a lot.  This isn’t normal.  That’s what I’m thinking in my head.  The gym was warm, so maybe that had something to do with it.  I normally don’t start sweating until about two and half miles.  At 3.25 mile mark I tell myself I’m going to slow down, but I started to get into my rhythm.  I ride this speed out until mile 4.  Mile 4 I drop the speed down to 5.5 for one minute.  This is so I can get a drink of water.  Yes I bought a bottled water with me today.  After my one minute is up I increase the speed to 7.0.  I ride this out for 2 minutes.  I drop down to 5.5 again for one minute, then increase it back to 7.0 for 3 minutes.  I drop down to speed 6.0 for one minute to drink more water.

What’s going through my head now is that I want to quit.  I think running this long is freaking stupid.  What’s the point?  What does this prove?  Stop right now and run the last mile and a half later.  I need a break.  This is all of the discouraging voices in my head that I hear while I’m running.  I have to block that negativity out.  If I can’t, I just prove those voices wrong.  (I do not have any psychological disorders nor am I on any anti hallucinating meds.  I just had to put that out there. )  I’m about 45 minutes into my run and my show is almost off.  Boy oh boy is it a good one.  I increase the speed to 7.0 for the next five minutes.  My show ends slightly early so I turn on my music and get more amped up.  I make it to 50 minutes then drop down to 5.5 for one minute.  After my one minute is up I increase the speed to 6.0 until I’ve completed my 6 miles.


I chugged that remaining water down so fast it was ridiculous.  I wasn’t really out of breath at all.  It was just the distance and wrapping my mind around it.  I made pretty good time I believe.  Now it’s time for me to get ready to go to work.  Before I leave the gym I chug down 3 more bottles of water.  I concentrate on rehydrating my body as soon as I’m done running.  I feel accomplished for the day.  I plan to run again tomorrow and then I’ll be done for the week.  Stay tuned for tomorrow’s post.


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