#SundayConfession 3-27-16

Last Thursday after my big run I decided that I was gonna take a few days off from the gym. I said I wasn’t going back until Monday. Well Monday came and I just slept in. Then came Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. I did workout in my room Friday morning though. Every time I drive by my gym, I say, “I’ll be back” in my Arnold Swarzneggar voice.
Thursday I went an entire day without drinking any water. My day started off weird and I didn’t drink not a sip. I did have some juice, green tea, and a smoothie but no water. No excuses
I’ve been back in the lab aka the kitchen working on a recipe. Well it’s not really a recipe it’s a process. I’ve been working on making my own coconut oil. I burned my first batch which is the top pic. My second batch which is on the bottom turned out good. Both are from one coconut each. Once I master this process I’ll make a video tutorial.

I put some spare ribs on the smoker Saturday. I hadn’t made any in a while. For those who don’t know I think I am a BBQ pit master. I started watching the show on Netflix about two years ago and I’ve been trying to perfect my skills on the smoker ever since. My ribs were good. I make my own rub too which I’m not giving away that recipe lol. I made some coleslaw too. I enjoyed myself ?.
This really isn’t a confession but more of a notification. I went to see Batman vs Superman Saturday. I’m Team Superman all the way. I will make a post regarding my thoughts on the movie called THE FEAR OF POWER. Hopefully I’ll have it up by the end of the day.

I will also be posting my CHEST & BACK WORKOUT 300 REPS on Monday 3-28-16 @ 8am CST….STAY TUNED!!
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Most importantly
I am not much of a movie-goer, nor have I watched Marvel movies extensively. However, I’ve seen a couple minutes or two of Dark Knight (I think that is what it was called). I’m so glad to hear that an ‘average person’ is critically analyzing how superhero films speak to what’s going on in the world. I remember reading something several years ago about how this genre plays on public sentiment and political events. It’s so important to ask, “Who checks Batman?” because I’m asking myself, “Who the hell checks the United States?” Yet, I think there are plenty of American viewers who are enjoying the fantasy of American victory. I think the U.S has become so war happy that people are completely content with constantly being at war WHILE planning new wars. It’s so not normal.
You couldn’t have worded it any better. Thanks for the comment
Waiting to read your blog on the superman vs barman movie!!!! Also thanks for vbeni g so transparent and humble!!!
lol! I just posted it too