March 15, 2025


#SundayConfession 4-17-16





I get very irritated when I’m at work and I hear the song WORK by Rihanna.  Nothing against her at all, but the timing for me is all wrong.  Talk about irony

I haven’t worked out with my Training Mask in over a month.  I normally alternate weeks when I use it but I have to implement that in again.  Every time I see it in my gym bag I say, MAYBE TOMORROW, MAYBE TOMORROW.

I’m going to have to put myself on all liquids here soon.  Soon as in TODAY.  I’ve been out of control.  It’s time to reel myself back in.  Today is my Day 1.  I’ll plan for 7 days and see where it goes after that.

I normally have these #SundayConfessions done one day prior to posting but I didn’t start todays until 5am this morning.  You’ll be happy to know my days has been spent shooting & editing more videos.  I’m trying to keep a balance of everything.

I did get another gym membership.  Yup I made it official with Planet Fitness this week.  You can’t be $10 a month and the facility is open 24/7.  I did not leave my home, Gold’s Gym.  I just need options.  Plus my clientele  is growing.  I help them workout also.  It’s a win-win for me.


Tomorrows post will be the full breakdown of my LEG DAY WORKOUT.  In the meantime please watch the video below.


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