#SundayConfession 4-24-16

#SundayConfession 4-24-16
I’ve had two great days lifting in the gym and I didn’t bring my go pro on either day. I’m very upset with myself. Every time I left my apartment something would tell me to bring it but I second guessed myself. Always trust your instincts. I couldn’t resist setting up my iPhone and recording what you see below. If the player doesn’t work I’ve provided the Instagram link below.
This was my caption lol
Well I always have my trusty iPhone 6s.
On Fridays what do we do? WE FLEX!
405LB Shoulder Shrugs 15 reps
#SuccessIsGolden #FlexFriday #fitfam #fitness #isymfs
https://instagram.com/p/BEgnfhcSr49/405LB SHOULDER SHRUG
I’ve gotten to the point where I’m scared to not post on my normally scheduled days. Sunday, Monday, & Thursdays are the days I post. The thought of letting you guys down motivates me to not miss any of those days.
I’ve been waking up earlier these days. These are a life saver in the morning. I’ve been putting them (it was 1 last week, this week it’s two…I don’t want to evoke a coffee addict lol) in my PEANUT BUTTER BANANA SMOOTHIE. The struggle is real when it comes to waking up early for me.

I made it 6 days & 23 hours on my all liquid fast. I got hungry & end up eating about five handfuls of cranberry trail mix. I have huge hands. I’ll restart today.
This entire post was done via the WordPress app. Usually I’ll start them here then finish at home on my computer. I just want to see how it looks when it’s listed without all the extra stuff I do to clean it up. I’m always experimenting. Of course I’ll get to that formatting stuff later. Maybe I will. Maybe I won’t. Lol.
I will have a full post for this video below.

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