March 16, 2025


How To Maintain While Your Life Is In Shambles


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How To Maintain While Your Life Is In Shambles








You ever have a period in your life where it seems like everything is out of wack? How do you mentally maintain in the midst of chaos? You have to have something to hold on to. In this case, you have your health and fitness journey to cling to.

Diets or livids, can be tough if you’re not strong enough. First off, the mere fact that you feel restricted from eating four cupcakes back to back in a challenge in itself, especially if you have a crazy sweet tooth. That’s just an example. My point is, when you have to go without the indulgences to discipline yourself for a healthier lifestyle, any stressful situation puts you at risk to relapse.



Personally, I’m in the midst of a highly stressful situation. What I am holding on to is sticking to my diet. This is where I always crack. There is always something that presents itself that has thrown me off of my diet in the past. I am aware of how I reacted in the past, and vow to not have the same outcome this time around. We can’t live in a bubble our entire lives.We can’t have the perfect climate for success all the time. This is what makes victory sweet as those cupcakes. You find a way to maintain the course in the midst of the storm.


I’ve lost 18 pounds within the last month and I do not want to backslide because of stress. I am an emotional/ stressful eater. This current situation is a test to see if I’m going to crack like I’ve done in the past. I’ve learned to process what’s going on around me and the possible outcomes before reacting with indulgent food intake. Eating those cupcakes to relieve stress, I’ve been there before and it doesn’t take away the situation.



This time around, I’ve told myself, MAINTAIN! Instead of going for those cupcakes, you have to more diligent than you’ve ever been. You focus more on tracking your calories & macros. You become more tedious with your meal planning. You buckle down more with your workouts. All in all, your intake and exercise is the foundation for mental clarity when done right.

You’ll have your moments when you want to hit up Taco Bell for every burrito on the menu. You’re not yourself when you’re hungry. Legit Danny DaVito style in the Snickers commercial. That feeling is real. You don’t have to reach for a snicker. Just calm down and think it through. You know how you can spiral out of control, so maintain the course.





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