#ThursdayThoughts – NOTHING LASTS FOREVER #ThankYouKobe

Nothing lasts forever. It’s true once you think think about it. This phrase has a different meaning for me than the traditional definition. Nothing is a noun. Nothing will always be there. It lasts forever. It’s up to me to make something out of nothing. Becoming, obtaining or having nothing lasts forever until you chose to do something about it. It’s not so much of what do you want to remembered by, but how do you want to be recognized?
Last night was the last NBA basketball game for one of my favorite players, Kobe Bryant. I’ve watched him over the years develop into one of the greatest athletes of our time. One thing that I admire about him, and what sparked this post was his will to become better. Ironically those air balls that he shot in Utah, early in his career defined him. At that moment he knew he had to get better, so he did. He knew that if he kept doing nothing in regards to becoming better, he wouldn’t last long in the NBA. His performance last night, he couldn’t hit nothing to start the game off. Then the Mamba went into his mind and hit that “on-switch” and he caught fire. He never gave up. He kept at it until he got into rhythm. For his last game he finished with 60 points and the victory. The craziest shots he’s taken over his career, where I couldn’t see how they would go in, they did. That foresight is uncanny. His ability to make something from nothing always amazes me. The passion he shows to become the greatest teaches me this one thing, put your heart into it. I watched him pour his heart out on the floor last night. Laying everything out on the floor. It was a testament to his career. From playing with multiple injuries, and coming back twice from season ending surgery showed his mental toughness. It’s what he loved to do. Give his all.
During my weight loss process I put my heart into it. My heart led to me research and execute my plan. I did not want to be the same overweight person I was. That overweight person was nothing. He did nothing to better himself prior to. If I would have kept at the rate I was going, I would be no more. Non existent. Gone forever. I could no longer do nothing in regards to losing weight. I had to dedicate myself to do whatever it took (legally and ethically) to be the best I could be. That complacency resulted to nothing. No results. It wasn’t until I gave everything I had in my mind, body, and laid it all out, is when I started to see results.
Now that the weight has been dropped, watching Kobe’s performance last night inspired me to refocus on never giving up into maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This is the toughest part of losing weight in my opinion. It’s maintaining so you won’t gain back what you lost. Some weeks you’ll lose a pound or two, or gain them back. You may be stronger this week, and weaker the next. Those are the mountains and valleys you will go through in this lifestyle. You have to constantly keep it moving. Never give up.
Thank you Kobe for showing me that if you do nothing, it will last forever

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Most importantly
Your twist on the ‘nothing lasts forever’ phrase was revolutionary.
Thank you! I appreciate that. I’m working on my wording lol
Videogamer’s overweight musing – http://wp.me/p6cG5d-IG
I’ve read your post. Now its up to you to decide on what you want to do to make that change.